Blog Thief
Published Wednesday, January 25, 2006 by Dark Damian | E-mail this post 
Anyone notice anything…unusual about the pics below? Look carefully. The first picture is a screen shot of Hot Dr’s Wife’s blog, “Green Apple Martini’s”.
The next one is a blog set up by a scandalous hooker who somehow mysteriously got the EXACT SAME TEMPLATE for her blog. A template, mind you, that was custom-made and paid for. Hers is called "Chocolate Martini's, With E!". Very, very interesting.
Now, I don't wanna call anyone a thief or anything. That would be rude, and maybe even slanderous. Or libelous. Or true. But let's examine the evidence.
- HDW's blog template was custom-made, specifically for her with her input and her choices included.
- Sistagirl's blog looks eerily similar.
- HDW's blog was up and running first.
- They both have a the same sidebars, though Sistagirl's blog mentions nothing about being a wife of a doctor.
- Both have a post entitled "Go Broncos", but only HDW's post is actually ABOUT football at all.
- No one mixes brown and green unless they're stealing shit.
Come on, Sistagirl. Get your own shit. Be original. I bet, if you had asked, HDW might've hooked you up. We might've all chipped in, paid the small fee, and gotten you a nice Suge Knight or R. Kelly background for your blog. We're nice people. It could happen. In the meantime, cease and desist. Laurie has a history of shanking people blog-wise, and I hear it stings. I'm just sayin'.
EDIT: The site is gone now. I guess the pressure got to be too much. Let's hope she's ok, and not drowning her sorrows in a double chocolate milkshake or quaaludes or something.