Damn, folks! A brotha takes a break, and you'd think the Colts won the Super Bowl or something. Settle!
I'm still here.
I've missed you all, but since none of you pay me to do this, it had to take a back seat (heh - I said "back seat") to my other responsibilities for a li'l bit. And though I'm still pretty busy and don't have time to give you a REAL post, I do have this little tidbit for you:
My new blog is up.
(cue cheering and throwing of bacon in my general direction)
I'm still working on it, so I'm still not quite ready to take her out of dry dock just yet, but feel free to stop on by and have a look around. http://darkdamian.wordpress.com
Wordpress' import feature finally allowed me to pull in my Blogger posts, which made my job somewhat easier. I still have to go into each post and apply the proper category to it, and I think I have to enable comments on all of them, so if you find that you can't comment yet, sit tight - I'm slowly plowing through my posts, from oldest to newest. Hey, HDW - I bet you know a thing or two about plowing, what with all the snow in Denver. Just remember: if you guys have to resort to cannibalism, black people taste like chicken and bad credit.
So. Check me out, and keep checking out Squirrel, Please. I'm having a ball coming up with ideas for that strip. And y'all, I'm TRYING to accommodate the numerous requests for inclusion, which mostly sound like "I wanna be in the strip!" or "I swear to God, I will beat you if you don't make me a character", but I'm limited by the options I'm given on the site where I make 'em, and since I'm no graphic artist, it's tough for me to just invent and draw shit. I'm good with words, not pictures. So if you don't see a character for you, don't feel bad.
You can, however, bribe me.
OK - back to the grindstone, folks. Those paychecks don't sign themselves. Take care, and update your links accordingly. You will see me very soon.
Hide your wallets.
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