Almost Infamous - Views from a Black Intelligentleman

Writer's Block

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Howdy, folks. My apologies for the long period of time since my last posts, but I've been busy. Between work, home life, and band stuff, I've developed a pretty intense case of writer's block. As most bloggers do, I've got a couple of stories sitting on standby, but so far I've been underwhelmed by them, and I haven't been inspired to complete them. Therefore (I love using "therefore" instead of "so". It's so pretentious. I mean, it's therefore pretentious. Wait.), I'm going to make the unprecedented move of letting YOU choose my next tale. That's right, you can pick what I'll write about next. However, I know that if I leave it open, you jackals will pick any and everything under the damn sun, and my already-present anxiety will grow faster than my ego when I'm on stage. So here's the deal: I'm giving you a list, and you can vote on it via comment. If I get no votes, I will make it my mission in life to write about how much you all suck, and make lists of all the vile acts I wish would happen to you, starting with listening to Oingo Boingo's greatest hit (singular) on repeat. Here goes... I could write about: A) My band's gig on last Friday (it rocked) B) My worst drunk ever C) The one time I went hiking (it ended in a double charlie horse) D) My rafting adventures Holla back, folks. Peace.


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  • I'm Dark Damian
  • From Dallas, Texas, United States
  • I'm a bassist, meaning that I'm cool beyond all descriptive text. I love bacon. Dear God, do I love bacon. Leave me comments so that I may ignore them.
  • The Black Intelligentleman

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